I will start puting my psalms devotions here. Cos if i don, I will just read the psalm of the day and NOT ponder, reflect and seek God on it. So here it goes. Will start with today's psalm.
Psalm 25
4 Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths:
5 Guide me in your truth and teach me,
for you are God my Savior,
and my hope is in you all day long.
First of all, this 2 verses spoke to me quite abit. There were lotsa times when I asked God to show me the career path that I need to take. After grad from NP I wanted to get into MOE for the post Special Needs Officer (SNO). Did not know God thn so wasn't praying abt it. Hohoho.. did not get in. Very soon I gotta know God and my first few prayers were to find a job that i like.
First of all, this 2 verses spoke to me quite abit. There were lotsa times when I asked God to show me the career path that I need to take. After grad from NP I wanted to get into MOE for the post Special Needs Officer (SNO). Did not know God thn so wasn't praying abt it. Hohoho.. did not get in. Very soon I gotta know God and my first few prayers were to find a job that i like.
First there is Savaskool. Learnt alot there, really alot. Games and dances for children. thn kinda kenna sacked. Quite sad, budden turned out the employers were quite indecent in some ways.
Thn i went to Justkids (childcare centre). Taught the kids all that I have learnt in Savaskool. Was a total fun with them. Learnt some leadership and interaction skills. Because of Justkids oso gotta know Lurvin (principal) and Oscar (kid with autism who draw me back to become SNO). After I quit thn me and lurvin chatted quite alot and we shared alota things such as how we know God, how she touched her family members, and I grow deep in the Lord partly through her. She's been a big blessing to me! Really thank God for her.
So now here I am being an SNO all over again. This time i prayed super hard. hahahah.. So I got in after all the beating around the bush. But looking back, I'm absolutely sure that God has really guide me to experience and learn alot during these times. Ultimately, God showed me His ways teach me more about him.
I'll continue to praise the LORD!
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